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Six Things You Shouldn't Assume About Online Elementary School

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Online elementary schools are becoming increasingly popular. An online program might be the best option for your child. Unfortunately, there is some misinformation out there about this type of schooling. The following are six things you shouldn’t assume about online elementary school.  Students are in front of the computer for their entire education. While online elementary school involves a lot of computer use, that doesn’t mean that students have to be on the computer all of the time. Read More»

4 Ways You Can Benefit From Taking Realtor License Courses

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Building credibility and competence in your profession requires investing in your education and career development. If you are a real estate agent or broker, taking realtor license courses is one way to improve your skills and stay ahead of the curve. These courses are often required to renew your license, but they also offer other benefits that can help your career. For instance, if you are looking to move into a new market or specialize in a particular area of real estate, taking courses can help you gain the knowledge and skills you need to succeed. Read More»

What Is The Montessori Method?

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When you send your child to a child care center, you want to make sure that you are sending them to a place where they will be safe, but also a place where your child can grow and thrive. One way to do that is to find a school that utilizes the Montessori method. You may not be familiar with the Montessori method so you might not know why this option might be good for your child. Read More»

3 Main Reasons Why You Should Consider Flight Training

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Becoming a pilot is an exciting and rewarding career. However, you have first to undergo rigorous training. If you join a flight school today, you will learn how to operate aircraft, navigate the skies, and manage emergencies. It will also equip you with the skills necessary for any commercial setting. Whether you want to become a professional pilot or simply fly for recreational purposes, it all starts with flight training. Read More»

Is Montessori Daycare A Good Fit For Your Child?

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When looking at daycare options for your child, you might have seen a few centers offering Montessori daycare. These centers utilize an education philosophy developed by Maria Montessori, an Italian educator, that was outlined in her 1912 book, The Montessori Method. But what exactly does this method involve? And more importantly, how can your child benefit from it? Freedom of Choice and Expression Broadly speaking, Montessori daycare actively promotes freedom of choice and expression as a means of developing key social and educational skills. Read More»

Planning Activities That Cater To The 4 Learning Styles

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People are unique, and each person has their own likes, dislikes, habits, and routines. Since people are so different, it makes sense that people also learn in different ways. The ways people learn are called learning styles, and according to an article in the April 2010 issue of Educational and Psychological Measurement, there are four main learning styles. In order to teach effectively, it’s important to understand these learning styles so you can use an appropriate learning activity that caters to them. Read More»

4 Ways To Improve Your Life For The Better

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If you’re looking to make positive changes in your life, that’s great news. Everyone can always work to improve themselves for the better. You’d be amazed how many small changes can end up making a big difference in your life. While it may take a bit of hard work, it can be so worth it. Looking for ideas on how to get started? Keep reading to learn some ways you can make your life better: Read More»

Three Strategies To Improve Parent-Teacher Conference Attendence

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Parent conferences are one of the best ways for a teacher to communicate with a student’s family and help formulate strategies for improving learning both within the classroom and at home. Unfortunately, it can be hard to effectively schedule a meeting with every family, especially with the busy schedule’s that many are contending with. The good news is that there are some strategies you can use to ensure every student gets the benefit of a parent-teacher conference. Read More»

Choosing The Right Preschool Program

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Ensuring that your child receives the best possible education will help him or her experience greater success in life. For many children, the educational experience starts in preschool. Finding the right preschool program can help you child develop important skills before entering kindergarten, and it can also help your child learn to enjoy the time that he or she spends in the classroom. Here are three characteristics to look for when selecting a preschool program for your child in the future. Read More»

Tips For Celebrating Kindergarten Day At Your Child's Dyscalculia School

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Did you know that Kindergarten Day falls on April 21 each year? This holiday was created in honor of Friedrich Froebel, who was born on April 21, 1782. He started the very first kindergarten class in Germany in 1837, and having this wonderful year of schooling in a young child’s life has helped them get adjusted to organized learning, going to school with their peers, and recess in time to thrive in first grade for nearly 200 years. Read More»